TC McCracken has 27 years of Human Resources, Marketing, and Strategic Planning experience through her work in the private, public, and non-profit sectors. She has supported small and mid-sized organizations with all aspects of Human Resources and been an active member of leadership teams in regards to strategic and fiscal planning. TC has developed and managed company policies, benefits plans, recruiting campaigns, performance management and training for organizations. She has worked on grant funded pilot programs in the non-profit sector and been part of opening two casinos. TC enjoys and appreciates the unique complexities of developing policies and managing staff within industry regulations. She has developed policies and procedures that comply with state and federal grants, as well as, compliance with Colorado gaming regulations. Additionally, she has helped organizations adopt inclusive practices, policies and benefit offerings. She has transitioned staff to remote work and moved an organization through the process of selecting and implementing a new payroll platform.
TC leans into her work experience outside of HR, utilizes her creativity and problem solving skills to find solutions that work for you. She is personable and enjoys the people side of HR.
Outside of work, she enjoys jogging at a slow pace, performing with sketch and improv teams, writing heartfelt stories, and telling hopefully funny jokes.
TC holds a Bachelor of Science in Communication and Master of Education. TC has completed the Employer’s Council HR Certificate program.
Contact TC